Friday 16 November 2007

Greetings Chaolananites!

First of all,I'd like to send a big Lee Chaolan shout to Vimal-Who celebrated his birthday yesterday in fine style.Best Wishes for the year mate.

Now down to business-2 more entrants have joined the King Of Iron Fist Tournament,which is scheduled for the first or second week of December-the fighters are primed,confidence is high with all participants-and the trash talking has reached a new level.

War is almost upon us.

Apart from Tekken news,my tattoo is pretty much healed,so thankfully I should be fine for football either this Monday,or next Monday!woohoo!

That's pretty much it,my loyal Chaolananites

I'll be in touch soon,with some real Lee Chaolan shit

Saturday 10 November 2007

It's been a while...

A big shout to all my Chaolananites

It's busy a relatively quiet,but nonetheless decent week + since we last spoke.
Am still playing Tekken,in preperation for the King of Iron Fist Tournament,which is looking to take place in the first week or so of December,shortly after payday-the action is hosted by Vimal G esq. From what I hear,a truly excellent host,but shit at Tekken.

We're also planning a Wrestlefest in Vimal's garden,something else I plan to win-bring it weaklings!!!!

Away from the competitions,it's no more football for a month after last week,I got my 11th tattoo the following day,and I want it to heal perfectly so I'm taking time away from the beautiful game.

My tattoo is cool,bit itchy at the moment-is a bit Paul Phoenix.

Apart from that,all is good my Chaolananites

in fact,it's so good you could say...

It's some real Lee Chaolan shit!

Thursday 1 November 2007

Nearly time for battle...

It's been a fairly busy week

Put more bleach in my hair,is getting more pale each time-be white silver before long.
Also submitted the final design for my next tattoo-is booked for November 6th,am looking forward to getting it done

Been practicing for the big battle-We now have at least 5 entrants in The King of Iron Fist,and all are confident they can win.
Still playing on Ultra-Hard,and generally kicking ass at it so I'm slightly in front in the betting

Well,that's pretty much it actually-am going to finish my shift then go home and play some more Tekken.

These guys wont know what hit 'em...I'll unleash some Real Lee Chaolan shit